Hunza Bytes
Mustard Greens Recipe

Hoi lo Garma is a local Hunza dish made of mustard greens cooked with flatbread. This dish is also known as Garma, the dish is traditionally served with with a simple salad which includes chopped tomatoes, green onions and greens chilies seasoned with salt. I have noticed adding lemon juice takes this dish to the next level of deliciousness.
Chap shoro
Chap shoro/shuro is originally cooked on firewood, chap refers to the meat and shoro/shuro is the resulting product which is formed of ground meat and dough. My observations say that the steamed and small version of chap shuro is dumpling and the deep fried version of chap shuro is kachori.
Homemade Flour tortilla recipe
Hunza Flatbread Khamali is a staple of Hunza cuisine. It is a basic recipe for everyone learning Hunza traditional cooking. Although there are a variety of flatbread traditional dishes but the thin flatbread is the basic one and made at least 3 times a day.