November, 2016
Potato and green beans salad

Salads are healthy and nutrition-packed meals. Potato and green beans salad are one of my favorite and easy to put together salad recipes. It is perfect for a potato lover with the crunch of some greens to it. You can use your creativity and vary the ingredients and seasonings that fit your taste. I have used the following ingredients for two servings of this Potato and green beans salad Potato and green beans salad Ingredients Potatoes Green beans Salt Pepper Garlic clove Olive oil Vinegar Fried beef(optional) Direction: I used 2 washedRead More
Vermicelli Recipe

Vermicelli is a type of pasta, a thinner version of spaghetti. In Pakistan, we call it Seviyan, we use seviyan or vermicelli to make desserts. Sweet vermicelli recipe is a special dessert made on Eid celebrations. We serve Vermicelli dessert hot. The 2 servings of this simple dessert, vermicelli recipe needs the following ingredients Vermicelli Recipe Ingredients: Vermicelli 1/4 packet Milk 1 cups Sugar 1/4 cup Water 1 cup Direction: AddRead More