Wild Thyme
Wild Thyme Soup

Wild Thyme is known as Tumuru in Burushaski language of Hunza and we use tumuru in winters to make tumuru tea which is the best natural flu remedy I have experienced so far. This wild thyme soup is one of the thyme recipes we make and is known as tumuru dawdo which is beneficial for flu and cold. It is also consumed as a preventive measure against cold in Hunza in the cold winter season. Wild Thyme soup ingredients: Garlic Cloves Wild thyme leaves Mint leaves A tablespoon of cooking oilRead More
Mustard Greens Recipe

Hoi lo Garma is a local Hunza dish made of mustard greens cooked with flatbread. This dish is also known as Garma, the dish is traditionally served with with a simple salad which includes chopped tomatoes, green onions and greens chilies seasoned with salt. I have noticed adding lemon juice takes this dish to the next level of deliciousness.