Hunza bread types
Hunza Corn Bread

In Gilgit Baltistan and Chitral, we have several bread recipes. we make some on special occasions; we make some of them specifically to eat with tea in the morning and evening. We make others with curries. Hunza cornbread is one of many bread types which goes well with tea and therefore, is part of our breakfast items. The ingredients for Hunza cornbread I have used are very basic and simple, but we can add more ingredients. We can use milk instead of water to knead and we can also add an egg alongRead More
Traditional Hunza Breakfast Breads

Traditional Hunza Breakfast Breads Hunza breakfast is incomplete without having at latest one of these four Traditional Hunza Breakfast Bread types and the salty tea. Hunza people drink salty tea with ginger and pepper spice. It is a must breakfast drink in Hunza homes with the traditional breakfast bread we make. The Traditional Hunza Breakfast Breads include Hunza Bread, Giyaling, Sheshar, Khamali, and Makai Chapati. Hunza Bread The most common bread loved by Hunza people elders and children alike is Fiti or Phiti famous as Hunza Bread. As a child,Read More