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Thursday, February 2nd, 2017


Black Lentil Curry Recipe

Black lentil curry recipe

Today on our menu is the healthiest food, the black lentil curry recipe. Black lentils full of fiber, minerals, iron, and Proteins and have fewer calories per single serving. It keeps you full and satisfied which can greatly help in weight loss. The fiber in lentils helps colon complications like constipation. Black lentil sprouts are common items in salads nowadays and are easily grown at home. The Black lentil curry recipe is very simple and takes almost 15 minutes which also includes preparation time. We can keep it very simple or add spicesRead More

Red Lentil Curry Soup Recipe

Red lentil curry soup recipe

The red lentil curry soup recipe is the simplest of all the lentil recipes and literally gets ready in no time, you can say in less than 10 minutes. If lentils are presoaked in warm water, it reduces even more of the cooking time. We can keep the recipe very simple or add spices as we like. Red Lentil Curry Soup Recipe ingredients Red lentils                 1 cup Ginger Paste             1 tbs Garlic Paste           Read More